Behind the wheel with 1st CENTRAL
Sharing the latest news, views and top driving tips

29th February 2016

It’s official – Britain makes the world’s greatest cars

Britannia rules the waves again… or the roads at least. The UK has won a contest to find out which country produces the greatest cars. The […]
22nd February 2016

007 supercar sold for £2.4m – but there’s a catch

When the Aston Martin from the latest James Bond film, Spectre, went up for auction, we expected to be shaken and stirred by the final price […]
17th February 2016

How a little kindness can work wonders for your commute

Did you know that we now spend a record average of four years just driving to work? To put this into context, if you wanted to […]
14th February 2016

Most romantic road trips

There are plenty of romantic road trips to enjoy whether you’re a young motorist in the first flush of love or a time-weathered Romeo. Here are […]
12th February 2016

How much do you trust your partner behind the wheel?

With Valentine’s day right around the corner, a new survey has lifted the lid on how we interact with our loved ones in the car. Encouragingly, […]
3rd February 2016

Why white lines could be facing the end of the road

  They have become as much a part of our driving landscape as traffic lights, roundabouts and rush-hour jams. But white lines may not live to […]
19th January 2016

Top tips to get you through winter’s worst on the roads

Does the thought of driving in wintry conditions fill you with dread? Taking a few minutes to read our cold weather motoring tips might make you […]
30th December 2015

Phone-drivers risk new £150 fine

Can’t kick the illegal habit of using a hand-held phone at the wheel? Well, obvious dangers aside, you now face a £150 fine under new Government […]
21st December 2015

Calls for UK-wide drink-driving limit

Nearly seven out of 10 people want to see a standard UK-wide drink-driving limit re-introduced. England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales all had the same limit […]
8th December 2015

Survey reveals the bad habits that stop us car sharing

Many of us have laughed at Peter Kay’s antics. But now the Bolton comedian is helping to fuel a serious debate on one of the hottest […]
30th November 2015

Revealed: Weirdest road spillages ever!

Why did 6,000 chickens cross the road? No, it’s not a joke. And it was certainly no laughing matter for motorists when a big brood of […]
23rd November 2015

Driver wins battle against speeding ticket blunder

It’s bad enough receiving a speeding ticket. But imagine how much worse you would feel if you knew your vehicle was not even moving at the […]
16th November 2015

Our commute to work is getting longer

Many of you will know the feeling. You’ve spent over an hour getting into work. You arrive tired, clammy and feeling more in need of a […]
9th November 2015

What to do if you make a fuel faux pas

Driving blunders don’t come much more embarrassing than putting petrol in your diesel tank. Or vice versa. Nightmare! But it was Asda that was recently left […]
4th November 2015

Everyone needs good neighbours

An Englishman’s home may be his castle, but he’s equally possessive about his parking space, it seems. This is because angry parkers have replaced nosey parkers […]
26th October 2015

Parents to sit in on driving lessons

Thought your driving lesson days were over? Or perhaps – if you haven’t yet passed your test – your worst nightmare is the thought of your […]
19th October 2015

On your marks for the battle of the Bond cars

Which Bond car is quickest? While many of these top-of-the-range motors may be out of reach for most young drivers, it’s an argument that’s raged for […]
8th October 2015

Why it’s time to brush up on the Highway Code

Think about it – how many times have you looked at the Highway Code since passing your driving test? Those of you who have are in […]
1st October 2015

Why messy cars are driving us up the wall

UK drivers are a messy bunch. From discarded food wrappers to sweaty gym clothes, there are some absolute horrors lurking inside the nation’s vehicles. The extent […]
18th September 2015

Dashboard warning lights: what do they all mean?

Like the best football referees or cricket wicketkeepers, the less you notice your dashboard warning lights, the better they’re working. They’re there to alert us to […]