Clean Air Zones generate more than £418 million in just over two years

Ultra Low Emission Zone sign
Have you been slapped with a Clean Air Zone fine lately?

UK Clean Air Zones, Low Emissions Zones and Zero Emissions Zones have generated more than £418m in fees and penalty charges since March 2021.

Uncovered through a Freedom of Information request sent out by Peugeot, London’s Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) accounted for the vast majority of this income.

ULEZ expansion in London

According to the findings, £319,822,943 was generated by London’s ULEZ between October 2021 – when the charging zone expanded from Central London to cover the area within the North and South Circular roads – and April 2023.

With the ULEZ set to expand across all London boroughs from 29 August 2023, it’s likely that the country’s most lucrative clean air zone will generate even more cash through charges and fines.

Clean Air Zones across the UK

Currently, there are 13 Clean Air Zones (CAZ) in England.

Birmingham’s CAZ pulled in over £79m in charges and fines between June 2021 and April 2023, and in Bath just shy of £10m was accumulated during this time.

Bradford’s CAZ accumulated £6,727,725 between September 2022 and June 2023, and in Portsmouth, £932,577 was generated between December 2021 and May 2023.

The Transport Act 2000 requires local authorities in England to re-invest any earnings from Clean Air Zones into the ‘delivery of local transport policies’.

Birmingham City Council, for example, has invested over £52 million from its Clean Air Zone to back hydrogen bus trials, improvements to train stations and development of better cycling infrastructure.

Bristol’s Clean Air Zone’s revenue has been used to provide grants and loans to people and businesses to aid them in making the switch to a vehicle that meets the city’s emissions requirements.

Are you a Londoner living in the ULEZ? See if you can apply for the scrappage scheme grant.

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