Top 5 tips to become an eco-friendly driver

Top 5 tips to become an eco-friendly driver

With climate change high on the agenda these days a lot of people are asking the same question…what can I do to help?

One way you can help is to change your driving behaviour to become an eco-friendly driver.

With there being an excess of 1 billion cars in the world, with 37.9 million of them being registered in the UK, drivers in our small country can have quite the impact if we just make a couple of small changes.

Whilst it’s somewhat unreasonable to you should give up your, there are a few simple changes you can do in order to drive more eco-friendly – and save money on fuel as well!

So there really is no excuse not to give these little tips a go.

How to become an eco-friendly driver

1. Remove the clutter

A heavier car will need more power to run and will, therefore, increase fuel consumption, so take a look in your car for any unnecessary weight.

As far as fuel efficiency tips go, this isn’t going to be the most beneficial, but it’ll definitely help make your car look neater and well looked after so there really is no reason not do it.

2. Don’t speed

Although there are some obvious benefits unrelated to eco-friendly driving, many people are not aware that driving too fast can be detrimental to a car’s fuel efficiency.

When cruising on the motorway most cars have a speed range in which they feel most comfortable; find this comfortable spot and stick to it where possible.

If you can’t find this spot then most cars perform best whilst doing around 55-65 Miles Per Hour (MPH).

3. Slow down early

Motorway driving tends to be more fuel efficient than driving in the city where streets tend to be busier and have traffic lights to control traffic.

This increase in ‘stop-start’ driving increases fuel consumption as the driver is constantly having to accelerate and then kill their speed when they approach a traffic light.

To counteract this, instead of keeping your foot on the gas and then braking at the last minute, try removing your foot from the gas pedal early and come to a lighter stop with the brakes at the appropriate time.

When your foot is off the gas pedal you will be saving fuel and it can make you a safer driver since it will get you into the habit of slowing down early when potential hazards appear.

4. Use the correct gear

Using the correct gear is vital for saving fuel – in some cases cruising in third gear can be 25 per cent less efficient than cruising in fifth gear!

When accelerating, shifting up a gear as soon as it is sensible to do so will help to reduce fuel consumption since higher gears generally consume less fuel with the sacrifice of losing some power.

Most engines perform best when kept at around 2000-2500 Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) so try to maintain this.

5. Use alternative travel

Whilst it’s not always possible, public transport links in the UK aren’t bad, especially if you live in the city centre.

If you’re not a fan of public transport, you could always get the bike out and cycle. Yes, it might take a little bit longer, but you’re getting some exercise the same time, so it’s pretty much a win-win!

Not a fan of that option either, or you really need to drive, then why not look into lift sharing.

Chances are someone else needs to go where you’re going, so lift sharing could be the perfect solution.

So there you have it, your 5 top tips to help you become an eco-friendly driver.

Want to find out how else you can improve your driving skills, well then, just pop over to our driving tips hub and we’re sure there will be something to help you improve your skills behind the wheel.

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