How to avoid a motoring mishap abroad

Every country has different road rules, so brush up on the laws before you go

More than half of UK motorists consider themselves nervous while driving abroad, and as many as one in four say their nerves make them dangerous as a result, according to a survey by Continental Tyres.

One in three UK drivers have been involved in a road incident while on holiday, including traffic accidents, or have been booked by police.

And a shocking 70% of motorists said they don’t research foreign traffic laws before driving in a different country.

Want a stress-free holiday? Here’s how to keep on cruising.

  1. Don’t dazzle other drivers – Make sure you adjust your headlamps ready for driving on the right-hand side of the road. Headlamp converters are widely available.
  2. Map out your plans – Invest in a good sat-nav or map. It’s hard enough to concentrate on the road in front of you, without worrying about being lost as well. But bear in mind that regulations differ from country to country – in France it is illegal to use a sat-nav that tells you where fixed speed cameras are located.
  3. Stick to the rules – Brush up on any rules and regulations of the road in your holiday destination. Every country is different. For example, in Spain, never wear flip flops while driving, and in Italy only park in the direction of the flow of traffic. Read our guide to some of the quirkier foreign driving rules.

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