Driving trivia: 5 secrets to master the motorway

Double-bend road sign in the UK
Think you’re a master of UK motoring? Put your knowledge to the test and see how many of the below road signs and street furniture you know the meaning behind.

1. Blank road signs

Ever seen a sign with a red circle outline and white blank space in the middle? Be warned, this isn’t a printing mistake.

A sign like this means no vehicles are allowed to pass. This includes cars, motorbikes and bicycles.

You might not have noticed the sign before because these zones are often only enforced at certain times of day.

2. Lampposts for oncoming bends

Sure, lampposts light up the road ahead when you’re driving in the dark. But did you know you can use them to anticipate the direction the road will take, whether it’s day or night?

If you’re driving on an unfamiliar road, keep an eye on the oncoming light pattern to inform your turns and bends.

3. Bendy road signs

The double-bend road sign is a common sight. But do you know its purpose?

These signs are there to make driving easier as they show the direction of the first corner coming up. They are particularly useful when navigating windy roads.

4. Blue speed limit signs

Red and white speed limit signs are hard to ignore (which is kind of the point).

But are you aware of the blue speed limit signs?

These signs look the same as maximum speed limit signs except for their colour and lower numbers. They are there to display the minimum speed limit that drivers must abide by for safety reasons.

5. Coloured road studs

Reflective road studs – or cat’s eyes – can be different colours.

You’re probably familiar with the white studs that mark the centre of the road. But have you thought about what the other colours show? Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Red studs mark the left edge of the road.
  • Amber studs mark the central reservation of a dual carriageway or motorway.
  • Green studs mark the edge of a layby or slip road.
  • And lastly, green and yellow studs are used for temporary adjustments to lane layouts.

Now that you’re clued up on these motorway secrets, extend your knowledge to your in-car tech features. Over two-thirds of drivers don’t understand their in-car tech.

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