What to do if someone parks in front of your driveway

Have you ever been guilty of parking in front of someone’s driveway? Or have you been on the receiving end and blocked from getting in or out?

It’s probably one of the most common annoyances and causes of arguments with strangers or neighbours, but what can you actually do about it?

Turn to rule 243

In new Highway Code rules – which came into effect on 29th January this year – rule 243 highlights the 12 places you shouldn’t stop or park, including ‘in front of an entrance to a property’.

This rule also says you shouldn’t park in a spot where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles, near the brow of a hill or hump bridge, and where you would obstruct cycle lanes.

The Highway Code, however, isn’t a set of laws, so it isn’t illegal for someone to park in front of your driveway.

If you find your driveway is blocked, the Metropolitan Police offer some advice.

“If someone has blocked your driveway so you can’t drive in, we appreciate this can be very frustrating. If you can find the owner of the vehicle, we’d first recommend asking them politely to move it.

“If you can’t find them, try leaving a note on their windscreen. After all, they may not realise they have caused a problem.”

Get back-up from the authorities

If your driveway is still being blocked, even after you’ve asked drivers not to park there, you can take things a step further.

Contact your local council or report the incident as antisocial behaviour to the police.

The police can also help if you find that someone has actually parked in your driveway. In this case, the driver has trespassed, making it a civil dispute that they can support you with.

The Met Police also advises you reporting to your local council if you find a vehicle parked:

  • Over a dropped kerb
  • On a pedestrian crossing (including the area marked by the zig-zag lines)
  • In spaces reserved for Blue Badge holders, residents or motorbikes (unless entitled to do so)
  • In marked taxi bays, cycle lanes or on red lines
  • Near a school entrance, bus or tram stop
  • Anywhere that would prevent access for emergency services

Read more to find out how much private parking fines could cost you.

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