How The Stig spends a day in isolation

The Stig

Have you ever wondered how The Stig takes his daily exercise? Hint: it involves a lawnmower…

The helmeted driver from BBC’s Top Gear has released a short video showing how he spends his days in self-isolation.

Socially distanced at Stig Manor

The video shows how The Stig is passing the time under lockdown – from showering fully clothed to finding a toy car in his breakfast cereal.

Top Gear’s test driver certainly appears a little… bored.

However, The Stig makes the most of his time outdoors, zipping around a makeshift obstacle course on a red lawnmower. 

The video ends with the take-home message, ‘Stay at Home’, encouraging viewers to follow Government advice, along with a playful nudge toward BBC’s streaming content.

“Bored? Don’t be. Top Gear Streaming Now.”

Watch the full video below.

Essential travel

Government guidance advises people to only leave the house to shop for basic necessities, or for one form of exercise a day.

Cars should only be used if the driver is leaving home to buy food, for medical reasons or to travel to and from work, if they can’t work from home.

Motorists should only travel alone or with members of their own household. 

Anyone displaying symptoms of Coronavirus or living with someone who is suspected to have the illness should remain in their homes for the full 14-day isolation period.

Is your car eligible for the six-month MOT exception? Find out how the Government is helping motorists during the Coronavirus crisis.

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