22nd December 2022

Families urged to drive home for Christmas early as National Highways strikes hit

National Highways staff walk out today, kick-starting the holiday travel chaos. Staff in charge of keeping traffic flowing and managing incidents on the UK’s biggest roads […]
20th December 2022

Effectiveness of smart motorway safety technology being called into question

Smart motorways were designed to increase capacity and reduce congestion during busy road times. Methods like using the hard shoulder as a running lane and variable […]
15th December 2022

Drivers warned not to drive the morning after heavy drinks

Do you want to make sure you’re always driving responsibly? For your own safety, and the safety of other road users, drivers should remember not to […]
14th December 2022

Roads to avoid during Christmas as millions prepare for holiday journeys

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…and the busiest. UK roads are soon to be heaving with traffic as families travel to spend Christmas with […]
8th December 2022

Urgent warning to drivers of sub-zero temperatures

The Met Office has issued an urgent weather warning to Brits of impending ice and snow, with temperatures expected to drop to -10°C.  As per The […]
7th December 2022

The best service stations when travelling with your dogs

Driving home for Christmas? If you’re travelling with your dog, you may want to make a pit stop so that everyone has a chance to stretch […]
5th December 2022

Your guide to winter car checks

Having something go wrong with your car is never ideal. But when it’s cold, dark and wet and you’re sat on the side of the road […]
2nd December 2022

The top-selling cars of 2022

Have you spotted lots of the same make of car on the road? You might be seeing one of the top-selling cars of 2022, or maybe […]
1st December 2022

Are you covered with fully comprehensive car insurance?

Is your car covered in the event of an accident? You are legally obliged to have a car insurance policy in the UK, but there are […]
30th November 2022

The most popular car names of 2022

Be honest – what’s the name of your car? Many of us pride ourselves in taking good care of our vehicles and even christen them by […]
24th November 2022

Ministers face demands for a crackdown on private parking firms

Have you received a parking fine in recent months? If the answer is yes, you aren’t alone as recent figures show motorists are being hit with […]
22nd November 2022

Drivers face £1,000 fine for not following lights rule during bad weather

Welcome to Britain, where the winter days are short, dark, and cold. Driving during this time can be a challenge for many. The dark presents great […]
22nd November 2022

How new regulations will affect your renewal price

If you’re approaching your renewal date with 1ST CENTRAL, you may be interested to learn about a new regulation launched by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). […]
17th November 2022

Would you fail your driving test if you took it today?

A new survey shows a shocking 80% of drivers would fail their driving test if taken today, thanks to years of bad driving habits. The findings […]
15th November 2022

Why an automatic-only driving licence could be the right decision

Do you own an automatic-only licence? If yes, you aren’t alone. Auto-only licence holders make up around 2.7% of all qualified drivers on Britain’s roads, and […]
10th November 2022

When is the best time to buy or sell a car?

Buying a car isn’t always easy – not only do you have to raise the funds, you need to make sure you pick the right one. […]
8th November 2022

10 medical conditions the DVLA needs to know about

Do you suffer from diabetes or vertigo? According to research by Quotezone, some medical conditions could prevent drivers from legally taking to the road or invalidate […]
3rd November 2022

Cost of living crisis has young drivers delaying car repairs

Is your vehicle roadworthy? A new RAC study shows 37% of young drivers are avoiding car repairs in an attempt to save money during the cost […]
2nd November 2022

7 things to keep in your car during winter

Has your ever car broke down in winter? If so, you probably wished you had a snack, or a blanket to keep warm while you waited […]
1st November 2022

End of an era for the Ford Fiesta

In 1976 we said hello to the first Ford Fiesta. Now, 47 years later, it’s time to say goodbye. Following an iconic run as one of […]